
Paco Roca


Using the vivid, yet previously undocumented, memories of Miguel Ruiz, a Spanish veteran exiled in France, award-winning graphic novelist Paco Roca reconstructs World War II through an international lens. Ruiz was a member of “La Nueve,” a company of men that went straight from fighting for their homeland in the Spanish Civil War to battles spanning the globe in WWII. Their trek across Europe and Africa was spurred on for years by their love for their country and hate for brutal dictatorships. With threads that seamlessly connect the present and the past, Ruiz’s stories that make up Twists of Fate are often filled with both horror and humor, hope and grief, giving those who only know the American side of World War II a brand-new, and often startling, perspective. The artist behind the Eisner-nominated Wrinkles (now a critically acclaimed animated movie on Netflix), Roca returns with a major graphic novel that features his trademark narrative mastery that blends compassion, humanity, and sensitivity. Already winning worldwide awards and being called by one critic “the Spanish Maus,” Twists of Fate is much more than one forgotten hero’s personal story. It’s a necessary and timely look into what we remember and why we forget, a reminder that everyone has a tale to tell, and an 

Twists of Fate (2018) (Digital) (Dipole-Empire).cbr
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Twists of Fate (2018) (Digital) (Dipole-Empire).cbr


“Nao Brown suffers from OCD, but not the hand-washing, overly tidy type that people often refer to jokingly. Nao suffers from violent, morbid obsessions, while her compulsions take the form of unseen mental rituals. Working part-time in a 'designer' vinyl toy shop, while struggling to get her own illustration career off the ground, she's still searching for that elusive love – the perfect love. And in meeting the man of her dreams, she realises… dreams can be quite weird. Nao's meditation practice is an attempt to quieten her mind and open her heart, and it's through this that she comes to understand that things aren't so black and white after all. In fact, they're much more... brown. 

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