Howard The Duck: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Collects Fear #19,
Man-Thing (1974) #1,
Howard the Duck (1976) #1-16,
Howard the Duck Annual #1,
Marvel Treasury Edition #12,
material from Giant-Size Man-Thing #4-5.
Fear 019 (1973) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr
Man-Thing 001 (1974) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr
Howard The Duck Annual 001(1977)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD).cbr
Marvel Treasury Edition 012 (1976) (The Duck and The Defenders only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz
Giant-Size Man-Thing 004 (1975) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr
Giant-Size Man-Thing 005 (1975) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr

Howard The Duck: The Complete Collection Vol. 2
Collects Howard the Duck (1976) #17-31,
Howard the Duck magazine #1
Crazy Magazine (1973) #26,28,50,51,53,54
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #46
Howard the Duck (1979) #01 (Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD).cbr
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #46 (BWT-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #26 (Aquila.e.mal32).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #28 (Aquila.e.mal32).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #50 (Aquila.e.mal32).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #51 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #53 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #54 ( jodyanimator).cbz

Howard The Duck: The Complete Collection Vol. 3
Collects material from Howard the Duck Magazine #2-7
Crazy Magazine (1973) #59,63,65
Howard the Duck (1979) #02.cbr
Howard the Duck (1979) #03.cbr
Howard the Duck (1979) #04.cbz
Howard the Duck (1979) #05 (Bchry-DCP).cbr
Howard the Duck (1979) #06 (Bchry-DCP).cbr
Howard the Duck (1979) #07.cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #59 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #63 [Fixed](Aquila.e.mal32 Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #65 (Aquila.E.Mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr

Howard The Duck: The Complete Collection Vol. 4
Collects Howard the Duck Magazine #8-9,
Marvel Team-Up (1972) #96,
Howard the Duck (1976) #32-33,
Sensational She-Hulk #14-17
and material from Bizarre Adventures #34,
Marvel Tales (1964) #237,
Spider-Man Team-Up #5
Crazy Magazine (1973) #66,68,69,71,72,74,75,77,82
What If? (1977) #34
What The--?! (1988) #5
Howard the Duck (1979) #08.cbr
Howard the Duck (1979) #09.cbz
Marvel Team-Up 096 (1980) (Digital) (AnPymGold-Empire).cbz
The Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #14.cbz
The Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #15.cbr
The Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #16.cbz
The Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #17.cbr
Bizarre Adventures (1981) #34.cbz
Marvel Tales (1964) #237 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Spider-Man Team-Up 005 (1996) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz
What If 034 (1982) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz
What The (1988) #5.cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #66 .cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #68 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #69 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #71 (Fixed).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #72 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #74 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #75 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #77 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Crazy Magazine (1973) #82 (Aquila.e.mal32-Italia-DCP).cbr
Howard The Duck (1976) (Digital) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
Howard The Duck 001-008 (1976-77) (Digital) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
Howard The Duck 009-017 (1977) (Digital) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
Howard The Duck 018-025 (1977-78) (Digital) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
Howard The Duck 026-033 (1978-86) (Digital) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD)
Crazy Magazine (1973)