
Alex Toth

Thor of the Realms


Collects Thor (1966) #157, #159, #233-234 And #347-349; Thor (2007) #12;
 Thor: The Trial Of Thor; Mighty Thor (2015) #12; Original Sin #5.1;



Con The Amazing Spider-Man 124, 125 y 188-190, Giant-Size Super Heroes 1, 
Creatures on the Loose 30-37, Marvel Premiere 45 y 46, Marvel Team-Up 36 y 37, 
The Savage She-Hulk 13 y 14, Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 3 

 Por Gerry Conway, Doug Moench, Tony Isabella, David Anthony Kraft, Marv Wolfman, 

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair


Long acclaimed around the world, Upton Sinclair's 1906 muckraking novel The Jungle remains a powerful book even today. Not many works of literature can boast that their publication brought about actual social and labor change, but that's just what The Jungle did, as it led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. In today's society, where labor and safety of the food we eat remain key concerns for all, Sinclair's shocking story still resonates. Bringing new life and energy to this classic work, adapter and illustrator Kristina Gehrmann takes Sinclair's prose and transforms it through pen and ink, allowing you to discover (or rediscover) this book and see it from a whole new perspective. 

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - A Graphic Novel Adaptation (2019) (digital) (fylgja).cbz
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The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - A Graphic Novel Adaptation (2019) (digital) (fylgja).cbz

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - A Graphic Novel Adaptation (2019) (digital) (fylgja).cbz