The Mighty Thor 20-23 [2017]
Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor [2017]
The Mighty Thor 700-706 [2017]
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla [2018]
Thor por Jason Aaron 04 (Bruixot) [MQ-DI].cbr
Thor por Jason Aaron 04 (Bruixot) [MQ-DI].cbr

The Defenders 12-25, Giant-Size Defenders 1-4 y Marvel Two-In-One 6 y 7
Los Defensores 02 - Y quién heredará la tierra [MLE] (Panini-SD) [CRG-mmrsig-FNKSPDR].cbr
Los Defensores 02 - Y quién heredará la tierra [MLE] (Panini-SD) [CRG-mmrsig-FNKSPDR].cbr

Dolmen 330 - 2022-12 (CRG).cbz