
What If - Into The Multiverse Omnibus v02


What If? (1989) #40-75.

Sandman La Saga Completa Vol.1-2 (de 2)


01 The Sandman  1-75, Vertigo Preview  1 (extracto Fear of Falling), 
The Sandman Special  1, Vertigo Jam  1 (Extracto The Castle)
 y The Sandman: Overture  1-6

02 The Sandman: Endless Nights, Vertigo Winter`s Edge  1 y 3, The Last Sandman Story, 
The Sandman Midnight Theatre, Fish out of water (Extracto Dream States), 
The Sandman: The Dream Hunters, Death: The High Cost of Living  1-3,
 Death: The Time of your Life  1-3, Vertigo: Winter's Edge  2, 
9-11: The World's Finest Comic Book Writers & Artist Tell Stories to Remember