Incredible Hulk (1999) #1 , Incredible Hulk (1968) #300, Incredible Hulk (1999) #54 et Incredible Hulk (2012) #1.
Menace (1953) #5; Tomb of Dracula (1972) #34-37; Monsters Unleashed (1973) #11;
Strange Tales (1951) #74, #89, #169-174, #176-177; Tales of Suspense (1959) #14, 20;
Moon Knight (1980) #21; Bizarre Adventures (1981) Magazine #33;
Supernatural Thrillers (1972) #5, 7-15; Astonishing Tales (1970) #21-24;
Dead of Night (1973) #11; Marvel Spotlight (1971) #26; Marvel Chillers (1975) #1-2;
Marvel Team-Up (1972) #24; Werewolf by Night (1972) #38-41;
Marvel Two-in-One (1974) #11, 18, 33, 41, 95; Doctor Strange (1974) #48;